The Serverclub Logo

These are the Serverclub logos. It is our primary graphic device and should be the first choice when choosing a graphic element to represent the Serverclub brand.

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The Serverclub logo. Minimum digital size: 25 pixels (height)

Logo anatomy

The Serverclub logo consists of a symbol and a wordmark. The symbol and the wordmark can be used independently or locked up together.


Logo clearspace and margins

When using the logo in a design or placing it next to other visual elements, you should ensure that it has plenty of room to breathe. This is where clearspace and margins come in to play.

The logo’s clearspace defines the distance between the logo and any graphic element it may be sitting next to in a composition. Use the cap height from the wordmark as a reference for the appropriate clearspace. Cap height = X

For example: if you were to place the Serverclub logo, sized 30px tall, in a logo pool next to other logos, you should ensure that the Serverclub logo has at least 30px of clearspace on all sides


Logo Clearspace Cap height = X

The logo’s margins are the space between the logo and the edge of the composition. When placing the logo in a composition use half the cap height (X/2) as the distance to the margin.

This is a suggested margin, do not place the logo any tighter — but in certain instances the space can be increased.

For example: if you were to place the logo, sized 30px tall, in the top left corner of a composition, the distance between the top and left sides of the logo and the top and left edges of the composition should be no less than 15px


Logo margins X/2, X=Cap Height

Incorrect usage of the logo

  1. Do not reverse the logo.
  2. Do not apply colors.
  3. Do not rotate any single part of the logo.
  4. Do not stretch or alter the proportions of the logo.
  5. Do not change the arrangement of the logo.
  6. Do not apply gradients, shadows, or other effects.


This is the Medium symbol. The symbol can be used on its own in certain, very specific situations when the context and association with Medium is clearly established and controlled (example: the Medium app), or when the Medium brand is meant to take on a secondary, supporting role (example: an individual’s profile or a publication surface on Medium)


Symbol. Minimum digital size: 25 pixels (height)

Symbol clearspace and margins

The same general rules for clearspace and margins that apply to the logo and wordmark also apply to the symbol. For clearspace, use the height of the Robot Character (this matches the x height of the wordmark) as a reference. For margins, use half the height of the Robot Character (X/2) as the distance to the edge of a composition.


(L) Clearspace — cap height = X , (R) Margins — X/2, X=cap height

Incorrect usage of the symbol

The same general rules for clearspace and margins that apply to the logo and wordmark also apply to the symbol. For clearspace, use the height of the Robot Character (this matches the x height of the wordmark) as a reference. For margins, use half the height of the Robot Character (X/2) as the distance to the edge of a composition.


Logo + Color

Our logo should always be Blue big text, Black small text, Blue Symbol with yellow elements or All white text and White symbol with yellow elements. It never takes on any additional colors, but may be placed on top of any color within the Serverclub brand palette with the exception of placing a white logo on top of yellow or placing blue logo on top of blue or any of the light colors within the palette.

Black and White

The logo may be used as blue big text, black small text, blue Symbol with yellow elements on white or all white text and white symbol with yellow elements on black.


White logo on color

White should only be used on top of the more vibrant colors.


Incorrect color usage

Do not use the logo in color under any circumstances.


If you have any further questions about our brand elements, please drop us a line at [email protected]